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Fresh water in a sentence

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Sentence count:188+2Posted:2017-03-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: freshwaterfreshrefreshfreshmanfreshnessrefreshingrefreshmentwaterMeaning: n. water that is not salty. 
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91) The ability of lauric acid, myristic acid palmitic acid and stearic acid to collect(oil from) fresh water was studied.
92) Families lived in ramshackle huts . Electricity and fresh water were scarce . Unemployment was rampant.
93) Without fresh water, our human society come to a stop.
94) How he ingeniously managed to catch fish, how he fixed his solar still, which evaporates seawater to make fresh water, is very interesting.
95) Whitebait a small fish, sea and fresh water are producing.
96) Said invention fully utilizes the waste heat of electric power plant so as to reduce cost for producing fresh water hy using sea-water and reduce thermal pollution to environment.
97) A delicate, blissful fresh water fragrance to uplift, exhilarate and inspire. Ideal for customers who enjoy wearing fresh, floral fragrances .
98) One possibility is that the Black Sea filled first, with excess fresh water flowing over the Bosporus sill and eventually into the Mediterranean Sea.
99) The migration of dinoflagellate cysts with transapical archaeopyle suture from sea water to fresh water lasted relatively long.
100) Fresh water is a natural resource, and at the same time, a scanty resource.
101) Measurement of the cation exchange capability (CEC) and swell capability of samples in fresh water indicated that they have correlations with the relative quantity and cations in interlayers of S/I.
102) To study the infection of encysted metacercaria on fresh water fish in Nanshan District of Shenzhen and provide references for disease control units.
103) Severe pollution over recent years resulted in frequent blue-green algae outbreaks in Chaohu Lake,[ water.html] China's 5th largest body of fresh water and the only drinking water source for Chaohu City.
104) Water hydraulic transmission technology, which uses natural sea water or fresh water as working medium of hydraulic system to replace mineral oil, is a neotype transmission technology.
105) It is then recharged with fresh water or weak white liquor and agitated as before. When all the solids have settled out the resulting liquor is sent be combined with strong liquor as cooking liquor.
106) The only thing preventing this cold-water-loving species from infesting the Great Lakes, the largest body of fresh water in the world, is an electric barrier on the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal.
107) According to the CIF clause is the risk of fresh water damage covered in your offer?
108) Then there's my favorite example: the Interior Department is in charge of salmon while they're in fresh water(, but the Commerce Department handles them in when they're in saltwater.
109) Salmo and Oncorhynchus, of northern waters, having delicate pinkish flesh and characteristically swimming from salt to fresh water to spawn.
110) It had meager fresh water supplies, however, so Darwin and his botanist friend, Joseph Hooker, set out to change things.
111) The understandings for sedimentary environment of Paleogene Huangxian Formation in Huangxian basin are different, or suggesting it as inland fresh water lacus, or considering it as coastal lagoon.
112) Siberia's Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world—at over a mile (1, 700 meters)—and holds an incredible 20 percent of Earth's unfrozen fresh water.
113) Results: Fresh water does inhibIt'stone formation rat kidney evoked by 1 , 2 - ethanediol and ammonium chloride.
114) Poyang Lake is the first largest fresh water lake in China.
115) Desiccated Coconut, Cocoa Timber, Instant Noodles, Coconut Cream Powder, Gloves, Fresh Water Fish Seafood.
116) Then, if worm eggs in human waste enter fresh water, more snails and people become infected.
117) The Sea of Galilee is a unique body of water: the bottom part is salt water fed by underground springs, while the top layer is fresh water.
118) With the decreasing labefaction of our environment, the useable fresh water is facing pollution and becoming exhausted in the large-scale, and shortage is a threat to the whole world as well.
119) The hydrodynamic head is provided by influx of fresh water from the interior of tropical Jamaica.
120) NE Sichuan basin went through the transformational history from large fresh water depression basin after inland craton to foreland basin of Daba mountain.
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